If you’d like to receive Write Now Newsletter by email each month sign up here!
These are some of the writing groups in central Ohio. We make no promises about the accuracy of this information. If you know of any changes to an existing group or a new group that would like to be added, please email us at news@writenowcolumbus.com.
614 Writers Community
Thursdays 6-8PM; Wolf Study Room at Worthington Public Library (820 High Street, Worthington, 43085) Park in the rear of the library.
contact group facilitator (see below) for time and place
Okay so here it is. This is how it started, we are calling this Phase II because phase I, at least in its current fashion is phasing out. Initially this group targeted and was restricted to African American females only. Ages 30-43. The goal was to attract those interested in reading and writing, only one person was writing. The rest, maybe read the assigned books. As much as we would like to still target African Americans, sorry, can’t do it. Already tried it. A group dies without participation. This time no one is restricted (minus age requirement– must be an adult). We will still target African American’s but won’t exclude anyone. No Restriction on Gender or Age if 18 and Up. All Adults Are Welcomed.
For this group, we are only interested in attracting people who know they are Ready To Write. We already have the meeting spots reserved. We just need to agree to make a commitment to meet bi-weekly or monthly to write for 2-3 hours! This way no one has any excuses for not writing and getting that great novel done! We will bring our laptops or pin and paper to our already reserve venue, greet each other drink coffee, tea, and write.
The goal is for each participant to finish one manuscript within the first year of the first meet. We will only read books to get ideas. NO MORE BOOK CLUBS. The goal here is to become a writer, so only those interested in becoming so need participate. Its ok to be scared or have a blank idea, we can get around that just so long as you know you want to write. We can refer you to several book clubs if that’s what you are interested in. But this will be a literal/writers group. As you can tell we are very sincere about attracting would be WRITERS this time. Looking forward to seeing the level of interest.
Email for details at eblg@yahoo.com or VSnipes921@readytowriteaa.ning.com.
First Thursdays – 7PM
Alexandria Public Library
10 Maple Drive – Alexandria
Open to all aspiring or published authors. Write, critique, learn, support, encourage.
Contact Betsy Young 740-924-0305 byoung@columbus.rr.com for information.
Public Library of Mount Vernon & Knox Couny
First Thursday of the month – 6:00p to 9:00p
Various locations in Bexley (each meeting’s location is listed on our website and Facebook page)
www.bexleyfictionwriters.wordpress.com AND www.facebook.com/bexleyfictionwriters
Or if you want to email us ~ contact Josh at bexleyfictionwriters@gmail.com
Formed in early 2016 from a post-NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) desire to keep things going, Bexley Fiction Writers is a new group looking for members that are interested in editing their work together through round-robin feedback.
Our meeting format is pretty laid back:
* 15-20 minutes for gathering and introductions / socializing
* Each member has about 10 minutes to read a selection they are working on followed by 5-10 minutes of round-robin feedback (general or specific based on what the writer is looking for)
* Discussion on a topic related to either the art / craft or business of writing (topics listed on the website)
* Time for working on a project with other writers for support
Bring a piece that you’re proud of, can’t make heads or tails of, need help with, or just not sure how it’s coming across (or any other reason you’d like) to read for the group for feedback. You can ask for specific feedback (Character X seems really flat / needy / boring –“ what do you think / how could I fix that?) or something very general (Is this really appropriate for Urban-Fantasy-Post-Steam-Punk-Apocalypical settings?). Whatever!
As a group, we should be able to come up with some ideas to help out where you might be stuck.
last Saturday of the month – 12:30PM to 2:30PM
Buckeye Crime Writers, a local chapter of Sisters in Crime (men welcome too), meets monthly. As a member of SICCO you would be joining a group of over 3,500 authors, readers, fans, librarians, booksellers, editors, and agents actively seeking to promote and strengthen the presence and voice of women mystery writers. And yes, we encourage active membership and particpation by men and women alike.
Check out the website at http://buckeyecrimewriters.org/.
Mhttps://web.archive.org/web/20230323055915/http://buckeyecrimewriters.org/embership in the national organization ($40) is required for membership in the local chapter ($20).
Second Mondays – 6:30 to 8:30PM
Wild Goose Creative
2491 Summit Street (north campus/south Clintonville)
A career in the arts can be sustainable with the right base knowledge. Join us as we present a free monthly panel discussion series designed to encourage art-centric entrepreneurship and provide a place for creative network building. This Business of Art Series is a discussion series held at Wild Goose Creative on every 2nd Monday of the month. The events run from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., with the discussions beginning promptly at 6:40 and networking starting at 7:40.
Monthly meetings held monthly on the “teen” Saturday
– see website for schedule
University Hotel
3110 Olentangy River Road
See http://www.cofwevents.org for additional information
or call 614-539-9131 for details.
Second Sundays from 3PM to 5PM
Meetings held on Zoom
For more information and log in instructions, email Mina at m_raulston@hotmail.com.
Second and Fourth Saturdays from 4-6pm
Various (available on Meetup)
Founded 2007
We are dedicated to providing an open, friendly group to encourage your writing in whatever form it may take, as well as providing critiques for anything you would like to share, and writing voluntary monthly prompt responses as both writing exercises and to possibly spark new ideas. All writers, of any genre or format, are welcome to the Columbus House of Scribes!
We meet on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month, as well as additional events. Official times and locations are available at our Meetup site.
Join the Meetup Group
Follow us on Twitter
Join us on Facebook
Our WordPress
First Thursdays – 6 to 8PM
Love to write? Want to meet other women writers? Join us each month. Get inspiration, support and feedback on your writing. Open to women writing nonfiction and fiction.
Anyone interested in attending please email us at columbuswomenwriters@gmail.com so we can include them in the zoom invite and communications.
Follow Columbus Women’s Writing Group on Facebook
First and Third Saturdays from 10AM to Noon
Fiction and Nonfiction. Emphasis on revision and critique. Call 614-889-4857 for more information.
Second Saturdays at 6:30 PM
310 E. Innis Ave.
Call 614-372-0453 for more information.
Third Mondays – 3:45pm – 4:45pm
Online or Westerville Senior Center
Share your life experiences and encourage others as you develop writing skills together with your fellow Westerville Senior Center members and Julie K. To receive an email with instructions to connect via Zoom, contact the center for information. (Zoom is a free video conferencing software. An internet connected-device is required to participate.) Membership to the Westerville Senior Center is required.
Meets at various times throughout a given month, usually on the northwest side of Columbus, sometimes online.
Please visit the Meetup for dates, times, and their website for more information.
Calling all creative writers! Whether you’re a plotter or a pantser, published or unpublished, new to writing or decades into a storied (ahem) career, this group is for you. Dublin Creative Writers provides a supportive and constructive environment for writers of all genres and experience levels. Our meetings include write-ins, technical/craft workshops, writing contests, social events, and group critique sessions.
Dublin Writers WRITE Meetup
Tuesdays at 9:15AM
Dublin Library
75 N High St, Dublin, OH
Please call the library to confirm this group meeting.
As writers we sometimes isolate ourselves, but gatherings can feed our creativity by connecting us to something larger than ourselves. This meetup will be HEAVILY writing focused. We can chat briefly to check in, but the bulk of the time will be spent focused on our writing. COME connect with others who will influence you to stick to the work by sticking to their own work near you! COME influence others to produce by producing your own work near them!
Dates for rest of 2023: Sept 2, Oct 7, Nov 4, Dec 2
The Fairfield County Creative Writers Co-Op is a group formed for writers in the Lancaster/Fairfield County Ohio area interested in any aspect of creative writing whether it is fiction writing, poetry, commercial writing, screenwriting or any other forms of written creative expression. Writers of all interests and experience levels are welcome.
This group will feature discussion, news of local writing classes, conferences and workshops, as well as any literary news. We’ll also post links to interesting articles, sites and the occasional writing prompt or quote to keep you engaged and encouraged in your writing.
Encourage your local writing friends to join so we can build a community of writers right here in the Lancaster/Fairfield County area.
Every other Saturday at 9:30AM (beginning 1/8/11)
Goodies N More
205 E. 8th Street (Marysville)
We are just a short drive from Dublin, Hilliard, and NW Columbus. We invite anyone interested in writing to join us! In addition, folks may get a glimpse of who we are by visiting our blog: http://www.fictionflurry.blogspot.com
Anyone who has additional questions may contact Rachel Dilley at racheldilley@yahoo.com
Mondays from 8PM to 11 PM
Kafe Kerouac
2250 N. High Street
This is an ongoing group of limited membership. Call Kafe Kerouac at 299-2672 to confirm date and time.
Second Wednesdays from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Grandview Heights Public Library
1685 West First Avenue
Columbus, OH 43212
(614) 486-2951
Please call the library to confirm this meeting.
Are you a writer interested in sharing your work with other writers and in giving and receiving
constructive feedback?
Whether your focus is fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenwriting, or any other format, join staff member Chris Boerger in an atmosphere of creative fellowship.
The spoken word is ephemeral, but writing is forever!
Second Thursdays – 7PM
Grove City Library
Second Floor Board Room
3959 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123
The Grove City Writers’ Group was formed in 2008 to network with other writers and to encourage each other to write. The group meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the second floor board room of the Grove City Library. Writers may bring some of their work to read to the group followed by a light critique.
For further information, email janetshailer@hotmail.com.
Meets quarterly on a Sunday from 1PM to 3PM
For specifics, visit the website or the Facebook page.
The Ohio chapter of the Horror Writers Association holds quarterly meetings in the Columbus area. We intend to host events of interest to people who read or write horror, dark fantasy, weird fiction, supernatural thrillers, dark science fiction, noir mystery, and related genres. If you’re interested in joining us, please contact us.
The HWA is a nonprofit organization of writers and publishing professionals around the world, dedicated to promoting dark literature and the interests of those who write it.
The Inkstone: A Greater Columbus Novel Writing Group
Last Wednesday of each month, 7PM
Kingsdale Giant Eagle Cafe, 2nd floor
3061 Kingsdale Center Columbus, OH 43221
At The Inkstone, we’re here to help you become the best novelist you can be. The task of writing a novel is difficult and often fairly isolated. Having work critiqued is another challenge, learning to pitch, networking, and knowing the industry are all additional hurdles to the ever evolving process from page one to publication.
That is why we created The Inkstone. Visit our page to learn more about our unique structure and offerings.
First Saturdays – 10AM to 12:30PM
Columbus Public Library – Karl Road Branch
Meeting Room 3
5590 Karl Rd, Columbus, OH 43229
Free and open to all. We offer writers a supportive environment for writing, reading, and gentle critiquing. Each participant has an opportunity to share. You may read or bring copies of work you’d like to have critiqued. Some of us give better feedback when we see a copy; usually 5 copies are enough for us to share.
For more information contact Jeanne Marlowe at 614-476-8802 or jamarlowe@juno.com, or visit the Guild’s website at http://www.iwwg.org.
International Writers Group Monthly Meetings:
August 3, September 7, October 5: 10 am-12:30 pm: Northern Lights Library, Meeting Room 3, 4093 Cleveland Ave.
We offer writers a supportive environment for writing, reading, and gentle critiquing. Each person has an opportunity to share, read or bring copies of their work for discussion. Some of us give better feedback when we see a copy; usually 5 copies are enough for us to share. Free and open to all. Free parking.
For more information contact Jeanne Marlowe, jamarlowe@juno.com, 614.476.8802
Second Tuesdays at 6PM (March through November)
Kirkersville United Methodist Church
(Conference Room – Upstairs)
180 East Main Street
Various Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00 PM
KnoxWrites Writing Clinics are held virtually on selected Wednesdays, from 12:00-1:00 PM. Writing clinics are short, 20-minute limited sessions for short projects. All writing programs are delivered remotely: online via Google chat, Zoom, over the phone, etc. Registration is required for writing clinic. Please fill out the online form with the required information.
If you are unable to meet Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00 PM, please write in the comment section of the registration form at least three dates/times you are available during KnoxWrites office hours, 11am-7pm, Monday-Friday. You’ll receive an email from knoxwrites1@gmail.com within 2-business days to make arrangements.
NOTE: If you are visiting the Writing Clinic for a consultation about publishing, graduate school, test preparation, or other writing resources, please briefly describe in the comment section of the registration form your purpose of the visit. You may also share any comments you have about your upcoming appointment. For example, “I need some help with proofreading this letter” or “I need to write marriage vows and have writers’ block…”
If you submit a document as a shared Google document: If you are working in Google Docs, please click the email address for Literary and Writing manager Jamie Lyn Smith-Fletcher to share your document with knoxwrites1@gmail.com.
The Ohio Poetry Association is a membership organization that provides dynamic poetry events, from readings to workshops, festivals, publications, contests, open mics and podcasts. Our mission is to promote the art of poetry and support poets and others who appreciate poetry in honing their craft.
The Ohio Poetry Association in partnership with Poets Against Racism & Hate are conducting a whistle-stop poetry tour of Underground Railroad stations throughout Ohio. A series of poetry readings at historic sites will feature poets and poems that honor Ohio’s legacy on the Underground Railroad to raise awareness of current social justice issues.
Mark your calendars and follow the OPA website and Facebook for updates:
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Southern Ohio Museum & Cultural Center
825 Gallia Street
Portsmouth, OH 45662
10 AM – 12 PM: Poetry workshops (adults, children)
12 PM – 1:30 PM: Lunch break
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Poetry reading
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM: Local history presentation and walking tour (weather permitting)
Future Events:
April 20: Sandusky Library, Sandusky
April 27: Spring Hill Historic Home & Underground Railroad Site, Massillon
May 4: Wilson Bruce Evans Home Historical Society/Oberlin URR Center, Oberlin
May 19: Kelton House, Columbus
June 29: James and Sophia Clemens Farmstead, Longtown
September 8: Springboro Performing Arts Center, Springboro
September 14: Hanby House, Westerville
September 21: The Underground Railroad Museum, Flushing
October 5: First Congregational United Church of Christ, Mt. Vernon
October 13: John Rankin House Visitor Center & John Parker House, Ripley
Various Time and Location – See their website
The Ohio Writers’ Association supports professional writers and emerging authors.
We currently offer writers’ workshops and publishing opportunities, with more planned for the future. We also work diligently to support our membership by promoting the great work of emerging Ohio authors.
Our unique workshop model and commitment to producing market-driven literature has multiplied our membership base exponentially since 2010. We will use our growing, collective voice to raise one another up, to support emerging talent, and to provide resources for professional writers.
Meeting are mostly via Zoom
Please join Facebook group for most up-to-date information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/195475120521982/
The Ohio Writer’s Guild is a supportive group of aspiring and published authors. Writers share works-in-progress, finished and unfinished manuscripts for critiquing and networking. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, free lance articles and essays are presented for comments and suggestions. Come join us. We do not meet in August. Novice and seasoned writers can bring work to read, discuss, or critique in a relaxed setting. These meetings are free and open to the public.
For questions contact Kathy Binner.
First and Third Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30PM
Orange Branch Library
7171 Gooding Blvd.
Delaware, OH 43015
Be inspired. Share ideas. Gain feedback. Network. Build a writing support group. Join the Orange Branch Library’s Adult Writers’ Group.
For more information visit the website.
First Thursdays – 6 to 8PM
Urban Arts Space
50 W. Town Street (downtown)
Join poet, writer and instructor Hannah Stephenson along with some of Columbus’ best writers and bloggers the first Thursday of each month for Paging Columbus!, a poetry reading and literary arts event at the Urban Arts Space. This month’s readers have yet to be announced… stay tuned!
Free and open to all. Light refreshments provided.
Questions, comments or ideas? Contact Hannah Stephenson (hannahjstephenson@gmail.com) or follow Paging Columbus! on Facebook.
Third Wednesdays – 7PM
Heritage Hall
Main Street – Crooksville
Pen & Quill currently has members from Newark, New Lexington, Buckeye Lake, Roseville and Crooksville. It is open to any writer seeking inspiration, editing assistance, or the company of other writers.
For more information, contact director Kathy Campbell at katonhottin2001@yahoo.com
Fourth Sundays at 7PM
Galleria Evangelina
4269 North Nigh Street (Clintonville)
Monthly featured readers. For more information contact 614-769-4851 or 614-915-3139.
First Thursdays – 7PM
Delaware County District Library
84 E. Winter St. Delaware, OH 43015
Poetry at the Delaware Library meets the first Thursday each month to write and workshop poetry at the Delaware County District Library. All ages are welcome to share and discuss. For more information, contact Ben at beeditty@gmail.com.
Fourth Fridays from 7:30PM
Galleria Evangelina
4269 North Nigh Street (Clintonville)
Call Dottie Turner at 614-263-9346 or Elizabeth Ann James at 614-267-3085 for more information.
Speculative Fiction Writer’s Group
Meets Every Fourth Saturday at the Upper Arlington Public Library.
Find inspiration, accountability, and an opportunity to develop your creative writing skills at this monthly fantasy & science fiction writers’ group.
If you want more information about the group, please email the Tremont Programmer at dgrimes@ualibrary.org.
Writing Sprints Second Thursday monthly; 7-10pm
“ALL are welcome at the Sycamore Learning Co-op! This is an inclusive space, however, this writer’s circle is strictly for ages 18+”
Bring pens, notebook, laptop or whatever you need to write. Writing sprints is where one writes for a span of time uninterrupted, with small breaks in between.
7-7:30 social time; sprints at 730pm; sprint 20 minutes/break for 10min
106 E. Main St. Somerset, Ohio 43783
Donations accepted
Third Sundays from 2 PM to 4 PM
Upper Arlington Library (Main Branch)
2800 Tremont Road
Free event
Space is limited, please email or call ahead to confirm vacancy.
There is no question about it – Columbus and the surrounding Central Ohio area is a melting pot of comic book creators. Here’s your chance to meet, talk with and share your talents with experience and novice writers and artists alike in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. Bring copies of your latest comic strips or graphic novel in progress to get valuable feedback! Open to all genres and abilities.
Contact: Max Ink at 614-275-4764 or
Fridays at 8AM
Roosevelt Coffeehouse
• What we’ll do
Join us for an hour of writing! We’ve discovered that it’s strikingly helpful to write with other writers. See if it’s true for you at 8AM on Friday mornings.
Be it a book, blog, script, essay, dissertation, resume, melody, poem or just plain work stuff, you are invited to write it with us. No one will see what you’ve written or give you unsolicited advice. Instead of just thinking about writing, come and get some real writing done.
8:00 – SESSION 1: quick intros.<
8:10 – timer starts: write for 1 hour.
9:00 – chat / take off / keep writing.
OPTIONAL SOCIALIZING happens at 9A-9:30ish (I have to leave by 9:40 for work, but that doesn’t mean others have to!). Writing is very solitary. Connecting (and sometimes even commiserating) with other writers is a cool thing.
BEING LATE IS OKAY: just show up and get settled, then check-in with me after the session. (I’ll be the person with the Shut Up & Write! sign.) If you were on time, please be willing to make room for the friendly latecomer.
• What to bring
Whatever you need to be able to write!
Bring earbuds/earplugs if you want to block noise or the occasional conversation by other patrons. Electrical outlets are limited, so charge your devices before whenever possible.
• Important to know — Roosevelt has a small parking lot on the east side of the building (enter from N 6th street) & if it fills, there’s metered street parking along Long & and also along 6th.
Second and Fourth Fridays at 7:30 PM
Jackson Township Building
3756 Hoover Road (Grove City)
Call 614-777-0326 for more information or check the website at http://www.timothysklugh.com/spc/events.asp
First Wednesdays at 7pm
Pump House Art Gallery in Yoctangee Park, Chillicothe
Join the Southern Ohio Writers Collaborative for their monthly meeting. Aspiring and published authors are welcome to attend. We work in most genres. including poetry.
Please contact Deb Gaskill for more information.
UAPL Writers’ Group – 3rd Thursdays @6-7:30pm
Upper Arlington Public Library, Lane Road Branch, 1945 Lane Rd. Please call library to confirm this meeting.
Find inspiration, accountability, and an opportunity to develop your creative writing skills at this monthly writers’ group. If you want more information about the group or would like to join, please email Victoria at vschrock@ualibrary.org or call (614) 459-0273.
See our event calendar to keep up with the writers’ group and other UAPL writing events: https://ualibrary.libnet.info/events
THIRD Thursdays – 6:30PM
Wagnalls Memorial Library – Lithopolis
Email smayzum@wagnalls.org for more information. Sharpen your skills with fellow writers.
Third Tuesdays at 7 PM
Westerville Library
126 S. State Street (Westerville)
Do you like to discuss poetry? Do you want to know how to market your work to magazines and book publishers? Would you like to help edit a literary magazine? If all of these things sound interesting and fun to you, then come join us!
Groups meetings are open to the public and there is no membership fee.
For more information see http://www.wpl.lib.oh.us
or Call the Westerville library at 614-882-7277 ext. 159.
Third Sundays – 7PM
Meets in Columbus
Writeshop is a writers’ workshop group which meets to discuss and critique members’ work. While we are involved in all types of writing, our members’ specialties are fiction, particularly science fiction and horror.
See http://www.sff.net/people/lucy-snyder/writeshop/ for membership and location details.
Email matthewcookwriter@gmail.com
WRITERS READ, a 60+ group
Second Wednesdays from 1:30PM to 3:30PM
Zoom (hope to return to in person soon).
No fee.
Please contact Barb Chuko for further information. There is a waiting list for this group. To join the waiting list, please contact lavinpink7@gmail.com.
The group hopes to return to in-person meetings soon. Please contact Barb Chuko for more information.
Writers are voracious readers. Participants read aloud a passage from a favored writer’s work that has influenced their writing. A “How and Why” discussion follows.
Perhaps we will eventually compile a list of these books or a book exchange for participants. Please join with us for a wise, sometimes wiseacre, meeting with other writers 60+ (or not). The meeting is FREE.