First Day of School

First Day of School

That’s what it feels like every June and January when our running group, Marathoner in Training, begins the new season. This morning, when I walked into the Fleet Feet in Lewis Center, here’s what I saw:

You can’t imagine how loud 1,000 runners excited to start the next adventure can be. It was deafening!

Eventually, Jeff Henderson, “the tall guy” sent us outdoors where he gave us our instructions. We were running a new trail and he did his best to tell us the turns. Luckily, our pace coaches knew the way.

I’m the one in the Sparkle Skirt on the right side with the pink jacket.

I joined this group years ago because I wanted to run a half marathon. I didn’t know I also wanted another fellowship, but that’s what I found. I love these people.

Please Support “Write Now Newsletter”

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

I hate to ask for money. I cannot remember a time in the fourteen year history of Write Now Newsletter when I directly asked. The newsletter has been my community service, a gift to central Ohio writers since January 2003.

There have always been expenses. I pay for faster internet, jangomail email distribution at $25 a month, site hosting (about $100 a year) and the domain name ($11.99 a year). These costs add up, but I was always able to pay them.

Then my site got hacked.

Fixing it has been astronomically expensive and time-consuming. Here’s a short list of the least costly items we implemented: website firewall and security monitoring system for $199 a year, new web host for an additional $100 this year, moving four related web domains for $50 a year, plus a virtual private network for $39.95 a year.

But I’m not tech savvy. So when I say “we,” I mean my web person. As a consequence, the biggest expense was the incredible amount of time this very well-trained, extremely professional, uber-responsive woman spent investigating what happened, removing all sorts of malware and malicious coding, recovering my data, and getting the site back on its feet.

How much time you ask? SEVENTY-EIGHT HOURS! And I know she did this because we communicated while she worked. The bill was $7,800 including a discounted hourly rate and hours she didn’t bill at all.

It was an awful hack.

If you enjoy receiving the newsletter, please support it by clicking this link. This unusual situation demanded drastic measures which resulted in huge, one-time expenses. I won’t hold out a hat again any time soon. But I am now. A virtual hat.

The link takes you to paypal which allows you to use a credit card or pay from your checking account. You don’t need a paypal account to use it. If you would rather mail a check, email me at and I will happily send you my snail mail address. I’m too paranoid to post my address anywhere on-line. It had been on my site, but we took it down.

I value each and every one of you whether you support the newsletter or not. But if you can, I would truly appreciate it.

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