Write Now Columbus – December 2020

Write Now Columbus – December 2020

Dear Writers:

January 2021 will mark eighteen years for Write Now Columbus. Since the day Shannon Jackson Arnold generously offered me her email list when she moved from Ohio to Wisconsin, I have worked to create a comprehensive calendar of central Ohio events, and a resource for central Ohio readers and writers.

My husband and sister have helped, and I hired a researcher a few times, but for the most part, I’ve done this alone.

That’s about to change.

Welcome Tami!

Please welcome Tami Kamin Meyer who, as sweet coincidence would have it, happens to be a long-time Columbusite, a writer, and an attorney like me! Although, Tami still practices law and I don’t.

Tami, one of Shannon’s original subscribers, has cheered Write Now Columbus from the sidelines since its inception. Here’s her bio:

When Tami Kamin Meyer moved to Columbus from her native Cincinnati to attend Capital University Law School in 1986, she was not a fan of the capital city. Despite her initial reservations, Columbus has “grown on me like a vine,” she says.

The mother of two sons, one a sports journalist and the other studying journalism in college, Kamin Meyer has been a freelance writer, editor and content creator since 1981. Her byline has appeared in a myriad of publications, including Forbes, MarketWatch, Next Avenue, Cannabis & Tech Today, Your Teen, Ohio Magazine and Columbus Monthly.

Licensed in Ohio, the state’s federal court and the US Supreme Court, Kamin Meyer is a solo practitioner representing clients in personal bankruptcy, probate and family law matters.

She is Marketing/Communications Chair of the American Society of Journalists and Authors and is a member of the Columbus Bar Association’s Board of Editors.

I’m excited to welcome her as editor. I will remain as publisher. Stay tuned as we work out the details.


It being December and it being a pandemic, the calendar shows only eight events. Independent bookstores and local venues continue to struggle with no in-person activities and an abundance of competition for online happenings.

Please continue to support our central Ohio literary organizations. With a vaccine on the horizon, we hope one day soon for the return of in-person options. In the meantime, we need these organizations to stay afloat. They require our support to do so!

Thurber House recently made their situation public. It’s dire. Without help, it may close.


Also, please support independent bookstores. We’ve created this WNC Bookshop to help.

Nita’s News

Ed’s health crisis earlier this year, combined with the pandemic and the divisive national climate, prompted me to take a hard look at how I could be most helpful to others. I’ve written more about that in my author newsletter, Nita’s News.

Sign up for Nita’s News, for wellness tips and all of my author updates.


If my spin on emotional health and well-being interests you, please join my Facebook group, Mind, Mood, and Movement. I offer writing practice, mindfulness meditation, movement, and occasional challenges as wellness tools. Expect the random unicorn too, because, well, I love unicorns!


Friday, December 18th at noon PT / 3pm ET – Brave Women: Revelatory Memoirs with Marlena Fiol and yours truly. In this discussion hosted by the San Francisco Chapter of the Women’s National Book Association, Marlena and I will explain what prompted us to overcome difficulties and why we chose to write about it. Register early as spots are limited.


Depression Hates a Moving Target and You Should Be Writing continue to receive positive reviews. If you enjoyed either book and haven’t had a chance to leave a positive review or rating on your favorite site, I’d love it if you would. If you already did, thank you!! I had no idea how important reviews were until my first book came out.


Instead of watching me reinvent the wheel, head over to Chuck Wendig’s “Gifts for Writers.” My favorite?

Give Them Some Oxygen: Seriously, we’re all trapped in our houses, buy a writer a plant.”

Don’t forget! Books make great gifts!


No. I’m not doing a Youtube Live—yet. But if I can help in some way, please reach out. Email is always the best way to reach me.

Take care and be well.

~ Nita

If you purchase anything from the affiliate links on this page or in this email, Write Now Columbus will receive a portion of the proceeds. This helps us keep the website up and the internet on.


Write Now Columbus – November 2020

Hi Writers:

I’m not going to talk about it. We’ve heard enough already, and we’ll hear more later tonight and in the days (weeks, years?) to come.

Take a breath. I’ll take one with you.

Instead, I’ll remind us all that our local literary organizations, especially our beloved Thurber House, desperately need support. Attendance is down and expenses are not. I donated. I hope you will too. PLEASE DONATE.

Between the event I’m not talking about and Thanksgiving, writing events have slowed. The Write Now Columbus calendar shows 18 events. If I missed any, please let me know.

Meanwhile, National Novel Writing Month rolls on!

If you began right now (this was originally written on the 3rd of November,) you would only have to write 1,786 words a day to complete the 50,000 word challenge by the end of November. I’m teaching a free NaNoWriMo workshop, “Now that You’ve Begun, How Do You Keep Going?” hosted by WNBA-SF on Wednesday, November 11th at 3pm. I hope you’ll join me. Registration is required.

For those of you trying to avoid buying books from the big “A,” check out bookshop.org. Aiming to keep independent bookstores alive, the founder is taking aim at the big “A.”  Bookshop.org even offers affiliate opportunities. I set up a store to support Write Now Columbus (we do have expenses) so perhaps you’ll consider purchasing books there.

I continue to post author interviews on my blog. Here are the two most recent with Cheryl Leutjen, author of Love Earth Now, and Marlena Fiol, author of Nothing Bad Between Us.

My most recent project is a Facebook group for mind and mood health called “Mind, Mood & Movement.” I’m posting daily “practices” in mindfulness, writing, and movement as well as memes, surveys, and eventually challenges. If you need a lift, check us out. It’s a private group, but all are welcome.

And if you would like to hear more from me beyond what I offer in these Write Now Columbus updates, please sign up for my author newsletter using the form on the homepage.

No matter the outcome of the event I’m not mentioning, you know what to do. You’re a writer. What do writers do? Writers write.

Write on.

~ Nita

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