DHAMT Quote Meme Making the Rounds

DHAMT Quote Meme Making the Rounds

DHAMT Quote Meme Making the Rounds

A quote from page 244 of my memoir, Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink, is making the rounds on the Interwebs.

Saundra Goldman, Founder/editor at Creative Mix, styled this meme and posted it on several social media channels.

My heart filled to see she was using something from the book to inspire the writers who follow her. Thanks so much, Saundra!

The following week, google alerts notified me that “Sweatpants and Coffee” had included Saundra’s meme and tagged me in their post, Encouraging Words: Wisdom from Around the Web | Vol. 32.

The blog post introduced the meme series with:

“You never know when the right words of encouragement will come along and give you a much needed boost. Here are five thoughtful and inspiring quotes from around the web.”

Read the full post at Sweatpants and Coffee!

What an honor to have my words included! Thanks so much.

I continue to be amazed by the web of life.

In the Interest of Nutrition

In the Interest of Nutrition

According to a Facebook comment (clearly NOT fake news):

The common principal psychoactive ingredient in cacoa is anandamide, a proto-endocannabidiol similar in synaptic action as THC. The name is taken from the Sanskrit word ‘Ananda,’ which means “joy, bliss, delight” + ‘amide.’

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