Fewer Meds? Yes, Please! A Review of Journaling Power by Mari L. McCarthy

Fewer Meds? Yes, Please! A Review of Journaling Power by Mari L. McCarthy

Fewer Meds? Yes, Please!
A review of Journaling Power by Mari L. McCarthy

Mari had me on page 2:

After a year or two of regular writing therapy, I found I didn’t need the masses of prescription drugs I’d been taking.—Mari L. McCarthy

As someone once on six different medications, Mari’s pronouncement that she too found a way to reduce (or eliminate) her dependence on pharmaceuticals sparked my interest in reading more of Journaling Power: How to Create the Happy, Healthy Life You Want to Live. In this part memoir, part how-to book, Mari L. McCarthy shares how her worsening symptoms led her on a search for health, and shares what she discovered so we can all benefit.

I identified with her hitting a point of desperation and discovering a solution. My memoir, Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink, explains how running put the missing piece in place for me and pulled my health into balance. Like Mari, I was “in a desperate bid to recover my health.”

For Mari “writing therapy” was that missing piece.

Physical health is so completely intertwined with emotional health that it’s a wonder that so many of us deny the link.—Mari L. McCarthy

Mari suffers from MS and the onset of more extreme MS symptoms took away her option for the exercise she previously enjoyed. When she discovered Julia Cameron’s “Morning Pages” (three handwritten pages first thing each day) Mari soon experienced the kind of profound shift that I found in running.

At one of her lowest points, Mari could no longer write with her right (dominant) hand. Thinking of it solely as physical therapy, she trained herself to write left-handed. In that process, she not only discovered the way therapeutic writing transformed her emotions, but the act of dragging her pen across the page brought back circulation into part of her body being ravaged by MS.

My long-time teacher,  best-selling author Natalie Goldberg (Writing Down the Bones, Three Simple Lines) often says, “Writing is a physical act.” Mari would agree.

Before I took up running, in addition to taking those many medications, I studied with and assisted Natalie Goldberg for several decades. Natalie teaches “writing practice,” the freewriting technique she founded based on her Zen practice. Similar to Mari’s journaling results, writing practice offers insights, and infuses the writer with a sense of calm and clarity.

Writing Practice

In the years before I began to run, I’d stopped my daily writing practice. But the pandemic and my husband’s health crisis drove me back. I began to study with Natalie and and “met” online or over the phone with other writing practice regulars to write and read out loud. While Natalie didn’t intend writing practice to serve as therapy, similar to Mari’s “regular writing therapy” writing practice is therapeutic.

You Should Be Writing, the writing journal I co-authored with Brenda Knight, serves as a safe landing spot for therapeutic thoughts. Our journal offers author quotes to serve as inspiration and instruction. Whether a person wants to write for publication or seeks healing, the quotes in Chapter 8, “Writing as Medicine” show how writers throughout history felt the salve writing offers.


Mari’s method of journaling is also a form of meditation. Mari writes:

Instead of reaching for more caffeine, I would just sit with the tiredness, breathe deeply and acknowledge: “You are exhausted. Let’s just explore what’s going on.” I would approach my issues from a heart perspective. I stopped reacting in a knee-jerk fashion and expecting instant solutions. I learned to live more in the present moment.

Because of the scientifically-proven benefits, meditation earns a spot in my “Three Ways to Heal Your Mind,” completing the body—mind—spirit trifecta we require for stable health.

Mari found her own wellness trifecta, with a pen.

About the Book

Can the simple act of putting pen to paper every day lead to healing?

In the multi-award-winning Journaling Power: How To Create The Happy, Healthy Life You Want To Live, Author, Musical Artist and CreateWriteNow.com Founder Mari L. McCarthy shares her story of how she used her own writing to relieve her symptoms of multiple sclerosis, become a 5-octave singer and created 20+ Inner Journey Workbooks.

This best-selling self-help memoir teaches you how to use your own journaling power to heal the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual issues in your tissues and embody and empower your True Self. You get step-by-step guidance on how to:

  • Reduce physical pain and overcome illness
  • Heal emotional wounds from past traumas
  • Resolve inner conflicts and create self-compassion
  • Eliminate limiting beliefs and fears
  • Reconnect with your inner healer
  • Reduce stress and find your inner wisdom
  • Set realistic goals and discover the motivation to make them happen

Whether you need to heal from stressful life events or learn how to put yourself first, Mari L. McCarthy guides you on a journey of well-being and self-care. With Journaling Power, you unlock the powers of this self-healing tool to lead a life of joy, compassion, creativity, and growth. So, grab a notebook, a pen, and a quiet space, and reveal the strength of your unconscious mind.

About the Author, Mari L. McCarthy

Mari L. McCarthy, Founder and Inner Work Tour Guide of CreateWriteNow.com shows curious health-conscious people how to use Journaling For The Health Of It®️ to heal the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual issues in their tissues and to know and grow their True Self. She’s the multi-award-winning author of Journaling Power: How To Create The Happy, Healthy Life You Want To Live and Heal Your Self With Journaling Power.  Additionally, Mari created 20+ Journaling For The Health Of It® Inner Journey Workbooks that include Who Am I?, Declutter Your Life In 28 Days, and Take Control Of Your Health In 24 Days.

Find her online at:

Website: http://createwritenow.com/

Facebook: http://facebook.com/CreateWriteNow

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwtlBKKHXAfl_fZjLtOGMHA


Blog Tour Dates

March 1st @ WOW! Women on WritingJoin us as we celebrate Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power. Read an interview with the author, find out more about the healing powers of journaling, and enter to win a copy of the book.
March 4th @ Reviews and InterviewsVisit Lisa’s blog and read her interview with author Mari L. McCarthy about her book Journaling Power.
March 5th @ Bareroot HealthVisit Heather’s blog where you can read her insights into Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 6th @ CK Sorens BlogVisit Carrie’s blog and read her review of Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 7th @ Joan PorteVisit Joan’s blog and read her review of Journaling Power by Mari L. McCarthy.

More reviews!
March 8th @ Author Anthony Avina
Visit Anthony’s blog and read his review of Journaling Power by Mari L. McCarthy.
March 9th @ The Potpourri ParlorVisit Chelle’s blog and read her insights into Mari L. McCarthy’s Journaling Power.
March 10th @ World of My ImaginationVisit Nicole’s writing blog today and you can read guest reviewer, Angela Clay’s review of Journaling Power by Mari L. McCarthy.
March 10th @ Leslie’s Voice  – Join Leslie as she reviews Mari L. McCarthy book Journaling Power.
March 11th @ Living UppJoin Stacy as she reviews Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 12th @ World of My ImaginationVisit Nicole’s writing blog today where you can read guest reviewer, Wendy Kipfmiller-O’Brien’s review of Journaling Power by Mari L. McCarthy
March 13th @ The Faerie ReviewLily shares her insights into Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 14th @ Book Review CrewJoin Sara where she reviews Journaling Power by Mari L. McCarthy
March 15th @ Freeing the ButterflyVisit the Freeing the Butterfly blog and read her review of Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
Even more reviews!

March 16th @ My Question LifeVisit Kara’s blog today where she reviews Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 16th @ Pamela CumminsVisit Pamela’s blog where she shares her thoughts about Mari L. McCarthy’s Journaling Power.
March 17th @ Nicolle NattrassVisit Nicolle’s blog today where she reviews Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 18th @ Deborah Zenha-AdamsJoin Deborah as she spotlights Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 20th @ Because of WordsJoin Cassie’s blog today where she reviews Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 22nd @ Not Without My CoffeeVisit Angelica’s blog today where she reviews Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 24th @ Anne Janzer’s BlogJoin Anne today at her blog where she reviews Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 25th @ The Frugalista MomVisit Rozelyn’s blog where you can read her review of Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 26th @ Melanie FaithVisit Melanie’s blog today and read her insights into Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.

March 26th @ Nita Sweeney – YOU ARE HERE! Join Nita as she shares her thoughts into Mari L. McCarthy’s new book.

March 27th @ Anne GreenawaltJoin Anne as she reviews Mari L. McCarthy’s new book.
March 28th @ Christy O’CallaghanJoin Christy as she reviews Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
March 28th @ The Knotty NeedleStop by Judy’s blog today and review Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
April 1st @ Eden LiteraryDeirdra will be spotlighting Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.
April 2nd @ International Association for Journaling WritingRead Lynda’s review of Mari L. McCarthy’s book Journaling Power.

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Fewer Meds? Yes, Please! A Review of Journaling Power by Mari L. McCarthy

Author Interview – Greta Solomon


In this Bum Glue series, I interview other authors. The techniques shared in Greta Solomon‘s Heart, Sass & Soul: Journal Your Way to Inspiration and Happiness  are powerful. So, I wanted to learn more about her. I bet she’ll inspire you too.

Nita Sweeney (NS): When and how did your writing journey begin?

Greta Solomon (GS): It began in 1988. I would listen to Madonna songs on repeat on my tinny cassette player and write down all the lyrics. Then I would pick them apart to figure out the structure, and why this rhymed with that, and so on, and write my own lyrics. But magazines were my true love, and I was so excited to have reader letters published in my favorite ones, between the ages of nine and 12. I knew I wanted to be a journalist, and in 2000 around six months after graduating in Psychology, I got my first journalism job at a businesswomen’s magazine in London.

NS: Plotter or pantser?

GS: As a non-fiction gal, both! I tend to channel and free-write and feel my way into my books and articles. Then, I work like a sculptor to create an overall vision. Then, I create a clear outline to write from.

NS: What’s your biggest writing struggle and how do you handle it?

GS: Not having consistent time to write. I’m a mum to a seven-year-old, which is a full-time job in itself – especially as I have had to homeschool for the past six months due to the Rona. But even though she is back at school, I am still writing in all the spaces between and grabbing time, here and there. I handle this by making sure that I periodically have days and sometimes entire weekends when I can just focus on my writing and creativity.

NS: What is one thing about writing you wish you’d learned earlier?

Photo credit Will Ireland, taken at Blogtacular 2018.

GS: That you need to find ways to keep your creative channel open. For my first six or seven years of being a journalist, I couldn’t freely express myself in writing. I was “good” at writing but often creatively blocked, and my writing personality was governed by fear. It was only when I studied lyric writing at Berklee College of Music in 2007 that I learned a technique called object writing, which completely opened me up, and enabled me to write freely and easily. This creative freedom is so vital to a writing career, that I started teaching my unblocking techniques to others. This became the foundation for the work I do now as a writing teacher and Journal Healer.

NS: What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever heard?

GS: That writing can’t be taught – it can! Anyone can write well, given the right tools and techniques and the ability to tap into their creative current.

NS: Do you write by hand or on a computer?

GS: Both – I journal by hand, which often turns into part of articles and book passages, which I then type up. I plot and plan by hand too.

NS: What are you currently reading?

GS: I have so many books on the go, but I am really enjoying Motherwell: A Girlhood, which is a memoir by the late Deborah Orr.

NS: Is there a book you couldn’t finish? Why?

GS: Lots, too many to mention. Usually it is nothing to do with the book, but that I got what I needed from it, before the end.

NS: What book couldn’t you put down?

GS: I loved Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

NS: What advice would you give writers starting out?

GS: Get a side hustle sooner rather than later. Expecting your writing to fully pay for your bills, and your life, piles up a lot of pressure. That pressure can weigh down on your writing, making you less agile and adaptable and throw you out of your creative flow.

NS: Has your writing life turned out differently than you expected? If so, how?

GS: I’m not sure, as I have never had a long-term plan for my writing, I just knew that I felt called to write. I didn’t expect to leave full-time journalism so soon (after three years), but I followed my intuition, which told me to go freelance and explore my creativity. For four years, before becoming a writing teacher and author, I enrolled in a London drama school and starred in adverts and short films. I became a travel writer and explored health and wellness. And I became a published poet and songwriting. All of this was the perfect pathway for what I do now.

NS: What’s next for you writing wise?

GS: I’m re-launching my online course in Writing for Creative Self-Expression, which is a seven-module self-study programme in finding and expressing your inner voice. You can find more details on my website, www.gretasolomon.com


NS: Mermaids or Goddesses?

GS: Ooh – tough call, but I think mermaids.

NS: Toast or bagels?

GS: Both.

NS: Ocean, mountains, or forest?

GS: Ocean – but just for the magnificence, not for swimming!

NS: Leggings or jeans?

GS: Leggings, but with flowy dresses on top.

NS: Dogs, cats, fish, guinea pigs, or horses?

GS: Horses – I love the freedom you get from horse riding.


Greta Solomon is a writer, author, teacher and Journal Healer. Through her books and courses, she guides people to use journaling, writing and creative self-expression to wake up, connect to inner wisdom, and heal the tender, violated parts of their inner worlds.

Greta is a qualified life coach, lyricist, and lifelong learning teacher, and has clocked up thousands of coaching and tutoring hours with her clients. She has a degree in psychology from University of Warwick, a former career as a women’s magazine journalist and priceless life experience from several years of making a living from acting, modelling, promotions, sales, public relations, and freelance health, lifestyle and travel writing.

Heart, Sass, & Soul By Greta Solomon

Greta has over 13 years of experience in training individuals and multi-million pound companies in writing skills, delivering workshops and talks in Norway, Holland, Ethiopia and across the UK. She was also a visiting business writing lecturer at University of London, City. Greta is a Forbes.com contributor and has had hundreds of articles published, most recently in Red and Kindred Spirit. She is the author of Just Write It! How to Develop Top-Class University Writing Skills (McGraw-Hill Education, 2013) and Heart, Sass & Soul: Journal Your Way to Inspiration and Happiness (Mango, 2019), and is a published poet and songwriter.

Born in London to Caribbean immigrants, her maternal DNA line traces back to Cameroon and Gabon. Greta has returned to London after several stints abroad, and lives with her husband and daughter.

Website: www.gretasolomon.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/greta.solomon

Facebook: www.facebook.com/gretasolomoncoach

Twitter: www.twitter.com/greta_solomon

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/gretasolomon

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