What Writers Eat on Birthdays (Spoiler: Cake!)
What Writers Eat on Birthdays (Spoiler: Cake!)
I was born August 28th, so yesterday was my birthday. I celebrated all month (including a two-trip adventure to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to get my new “compliant” Ohio Driver’s License), but yesterday and today “took the cake.” [pun intended.]
I started with a free birthday drink, a tall, decaf soy mocha, with whipped cream which I sipped slowly all afternoon. I don’t usually drink soy or mochas so it was a true pleasure.

Free Birthday Drink
In the evening, our running group ran the Olentangy Trail for a few miles. I stopped to take this photo of the Olentangy River.

Olentangy Trail Bridge
We followed our run by heading to Pies & Pints in Worthington.
Before the meal, my friend LeDawn, one of the first people I met at Marathoner in Training (MIT), brought me a unicorn cupcake from Gigi’s Bakery. The runners sang “Happy Birthday” and someone called out the obligatory “Make a wish!” as I blew out the candle.

LeDawn Baker
I messed up the frosting before I took the photo so it doesn’t look as cute as it first did. If you look closely, you can see the adorable little ears. The gold spiral candle is the “horn.” It was strawberry with cream cheese frosting. So much yum!

Birthday Unicorn Cupake
We did eat some “real” food, nachos, pizza, wings, and salad, but the restaurant insisted on giving me a free dessert (a chocolate, peanut butter torte) since it was my birthday! I didn’t protest that much, but also wanted to share so I ordered a second one which is how I wound up blowing out both of these candles (after previously blowing out the one on the unicorn cupcake). That required a second round of singing “Happy Birthday!” and another “Make a wish.” I made two more for a total of three! After all, there were three “cakes.”

Two Free Birthday Desserts
What a lovely birthday! I left happy and full of cake!
Earlier in the day, I’d been sort of sad because Ed, the #onehundredpercentgoodhusband, who is usually quite attentive and rarely forgetful, hadn’t given me a birthday card the way he does every year. We decided not to celebrate my birthday until Friday (tomorrow) because of our full schedules. I thought he might give me a card then. But when he came home tonight, he surprised me with this!

Whit’s Custard Birthday Cake
If you’ve never had Whit’s frozen custard, you’ve never really had a frozen dairy treat. It’s creamy and smooth with a low melting point so it has a fabulous texture. He had the cake made from my favorite flavor, black raspberry chip. That’s hot fudge oozing out from between the frozen custard layers and whipped cream decoration around the top.
I blew out that candle as well and made yet another wish bringing this year’s birthday wish total to four!
We’re still going to Katalina’s for lunch tomorrow, but I think I’ve had enough “cake” to last until next year’s birthday.
I definitely feel loved!