DHAMT Featured on No Paine No Gain Blog and Runningdad Podcast

DHAMT Featured on No Paine No Gain Blog and Runningdad Podcast

Runner and proud father Noel Paine gave Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink a thumbs up on his blog, No Paine, No Gain.

Noel writes:


The book is very readable and flows easily. It is a book about Nita’s personal journey and how running and of course her dog help her through a tough time. A time – I refer to mental health. Like myself who struggled with depression for a period, she uses lacing to help her get to a good place. I finished the book and liked what I read – I was able to relate, like dreading about her struggles with running, life, weight etc. The story is real, human and written with heart.

This is a book I think any runner will like and especially those beginner runners and those who run and who have or currently battle for positive mental health. Well written Nita!

Read the full review!

He also generously interviewed me on Runningdad Podcast on May 10, 2019. Listen here!

Noel is the author of Talking Running: Stories, Profiles, and Conversations with the Running Community. Be sure to follow him on Twitter at “Runningdad has a running book!”

Thanks again, Noel!


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DHAMT Featured on Snowflakes in a Blizzard Blog

DHAMT Featured on Snowflakes in a Blizzard Blog

A friend recommended Darrell Laurant’s email newsletter and blog, Snowflakes in a Blizzard, last year when we were discussing places to find new books. The site’s claim to fame is:

Separating authors from the herd and giving them one-on-one time with readers.

The weekly “Weather Report” and individual book emails, help me find lovely books I would never have discovered.

I’m excited to report that this week’s “Weather Report” and blog included my memoir, Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink.

Read the review here!

If you haven’t already subscribed to Snowflakes in a Blizzard, you’re missing out. Follow his WordPress site.

If you’re an author, check out the guidelines for having your book included.

You can also follow Snowflakes in a Blizzard on Twitter and Facebook.

Disclaimer: This post may include affiliate links.

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