OWA will hold a writers conference on May 4, 2024, at the Fawcett Center at The Ohio State University. Presentations to include topics like using an AI assistant in your writing, author marketing, social media tips and tricks, editing your work for publication, and many more.
Presentations to include a keynote from author Danika Bloom , a panel on AI & writing, and workshops on author marketing, social media tips and tricks, editing your work for publication, and many more.
Meet our Keynote.
Danika Bloom is a USA Today bestselling romance author who spent over twenty years as a technical ghost-writer before Indie-publishing her first novel in 2016. She credits her success—and happiness!—on the friendships she’s made in the author community. Danika splits her days between writing happily ever afters and supporting new authors to reach their writing and publishing goals.
Continental breakfast and lunch provided with admission. Discounts are available for members, so be sure if your a member to be logged in before registering.
Offering special discount to OWA Members!
Learn more about Membership here.