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January Jumpstart

January 6 @ 12:00 am - January 31 @ 12:00 am EST


At Sisters in Crime, our goal is to help all our members meet their long-term writing goals. We also want to help them establish writig habits that become part of their routine. The January Jumpstart is designed to help.

Set your own goals! Pages, words, time? Writing, editing, drafting? Design your January Jumpstart to work for you. Since this event is not about grinding out words, but rather establishing a writing practice, make your goals realistic. Remember, 100 words a day, or 25 minutes four times a week? They’ll both get you to your goal.

Join a write-in! We’re hosting five per day in January 6-31! Write-ins include two 25-minute writing sprints hosted by a SinC volunteer.

Chat with other Jumpstarters in the dedicated SinC LinC group!

How? Sign up here, we’ll  send you an email with details about joining the January Jumpstart. It’s that simple.

The January Jumpstart starts on January 6 and runs through January 31.

The January Jumpstart is open to the entire writing community. 

Are you a member of SinC? Benefits include regular write-ins, free webinars, access to our SinC webinar archive, and a robust member community. Join us today and make a commitment to your writing life in 2025. We’re here for you.


January 6 @ 12:00 am EST
January 31 @ 12:00 am EST
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