Meet the Team
Lisa Gillespie is an Ohio native who recently returned to her home state after over a decade living on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
After a successful career in Leadership and Professional Development, Lisa left full-time work to better care for her elderly mother and to embark on a second career as a freelance writer.
She holds a BA in Religious Studies from Mount Vernon Nazarene University and a MS of Healthcare Innovation from The Ohio State University. She is also a member of the Ohio Writers’ Association.
Lisa currently divides her time between her mom, her French bulldog, Lucie, seeking inspiration for her writing projects and working part-time for the Columbus Metropolitan Library, the very best job in the world.

Books by author Theresa Garee
Theresa Garee started her writing in an honest attempt to help her youngest daughter feel more comfortable in her skin. Her youngest daughter began to lose pigment of her skin in kindergarten, a condition known as vitiligo. My Spots was a work of love with assistance from her daughters.
After this experience, Theresa realized she had more to share and she has published a children’s book every year since. She is self-published and published by a small press. In her writing experience, she learned one thing an author must do is learn to promote themselves.
This realization led her to start Social-Ally and create the Ohio Authors Book Fair.
She attributes her ability to genuinely promote business owners/authors due to her years selling advertising for her first love, newspapers. The Columbus Messenger employs her still today for a multitude of needs. Never one to shy from getting her hands dirty, she shows up every other week to help mail their subscriptions.
Something more is possible in every aspect of life, including writing. Most especially writing! Find the sentence you are afraid to place on the page. The one so powerful you quiver inside at the thought of it. Let it walk you into the story’s vulnerability and watch it deepen into fullness. Know the possibility is surprisingly simple. You are the possibility!
Hello dear friends and writers. Let me welcome you to our new possibility together with WNC. I am an avid creator. Two novels in various stages of editing and a third in progress. None yet published, and I too am excited to couple with Theresa and expand into a new world of marketing given the current publishing environment. As a community, we will learn and grow together. Stronger and braver knowing we no longer need to do it alone! Are you ready to make writing your life? I Am!
I hold a BA in Creative Writing and English from University California Riverside and an MFA in Poetry from The Ohio State University.
I love walking in nature when she rains, snows, shines, or rumbles clouds. I believe in Gene Kelly, Mitzi Gainer, Nina Simone, and Xanadu. Whenever I hear music, I dance, even in the supermarket. I feel deeply and experience life humbly in all its raw magic and tragedy. My 53 years of life on this planet has gifted me the remembrance that the miracle is Life itself.
I am grateful and eager to meet you all! Thank you for this opportunity to experience more fully the beauty of being human.
Welcome Kathy Haueisen
Author Kathryn Haueisen is the great granddaughter of Mary Brewster, 12 generations removed. Haueisen launched her writing career while a student at Bowling Green State University with a story about a fellow student in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Since then her articles have been published in dozens of regional, national, and faith-based publications. Mary Brewster’s story is her seventh book and builds on her 2020 historical fiction Mayflower Chronicles: The Tale of Two Cultures.
Both books are available in eBook and paper wherever books are sold, including locally at Gramercy Bexley Books. Contact her at