Write Now Columbus – January 2021
Tami here.
I feel a rush of emotions as I compose this note. Excitement about being a part of the Write Now Columbus team. Pride for being selected for this opportunity. And, of course, concern about whether I am up to the task.
I have been receiving the Write Now Columbus newsletter since its inception 20 years ago. I recall feeling excited such an abundant resource existed and pride about living in a city where the literary scene is active enough to warrant such a publication.
Over the years, I have marveled at the amount of information disseminated in the seemingly simplistic newsletter. Now that Nita has generously welcomed me into the world of creating Write Now Columbus, I am literally blown away at the vast number of meticulous details, software concerns, editorial considerations and more that Nita has patiently dealt with, alone for the most part, the past 18 years. Creating this newsletter every month is a labor of love for her, and one that leads her to spend her own money to fund it. It’s not surprising this endeavor isn’t a moneymaker, but it would be great to be able to offer this community service and not have to pay for it out of pocket to boot. Therefore, we are discussing different ways to monetize the newsletter. Not to get rich (although that would be okay), but to ensure that creating this much-needed resource isn’t a financial drain on those of us publishing it. If you have ever attended an event or learned something useful from this monthly endeavor, would you be willing to pay up to $2 a month to support it?
My bio, in a nutshell: I grew up in Cincinnati, and graduated from UC with a BA in Communication Arts and a minor in Journalism. Geraldine Ferraro’s campaign for Vice-President as Walter Mondale’s running mate inspired me to pursue a career in law, but my passion for writing has never wavered. I am the proud mom of two sons, one a sports journalist and other a Journalism major in college. I’m crazy about dogs, kayaking, watching sports and the cultural arts, so, like most people, I anticipate the days when mask-wearing is again relegated to bank robbers and Halloween.
Writing has brought opportunities I would not have experienced had I not been a wordsmith. I’ve met and interviewed fascinating people, like baseball great Hank Aaron, legal scholar Alan Dershowitz and civil rights lawyer Gloria Allred. Writing has also led to countless all-nighters, the need to accept rejection gracefully and the euphoria of landing a prized assignment. For this freelancer, all the inconvenience, doubt and schedule-juggling wrought by my chosen profession is beyond worth it.
Both Nita and I welcome your comments, suggestions, and of course, your financial support, as well. We are thrilled to produce this monthly resource that so many have come to rely on for its newsworthiness, accuracy and usefulness.
But, for now, I must nap. It’s the middle of the day, optimum time for a quick snooze.
Write on and enjoy your January. And now, over to Nita.
~ Tami, Editor
(c)Tami Kamin Meyer, 2021, all rights reserved
Hi Writers:
Nita here.
First, a HUGE thank you to Tami for joining this wild adventure. She’s getting the crash course, showing her smarts right away.
Second, another HUGE THANK YOU to Tami for securing our first paid sponsorship! Yay!
This month’s newsletter includes eighteen events showing the continued impact of the pandemic on local literary businesses. Please keep up your support as they will need it even more now that the holiday sales season is over. Use the bookstore locator at our WNC Bookshop to help your local bookshop and Write Now Columbus as well.
I rarely spotlight individual events, but this month one community-wide event merits highlighting: One Book, One Community: Author Jason Reynolds. Several area libraries joined together to encourage us to read Reynolds’ book Stamped and bring him to our living rooms for a vital discussion. I hope you’ll join this important effort.
To read about the three wellness modes that keep me on the planet, download your copy of Three Ways to Heal Your Mind.
We’re 200 strong and growing over at my Facebook group, Mind, Mood, and Movement. If writing practice, mindfulness meditation, movement, and occasional challenges as wellness tools interest you, please join us.
You folks are amazing! Thank you for so many positive reviews and ratings of Depression Hates a Moving Target and You Should Be Writing. If you enjoyed either book and haven’t had a chance to leave a positive review or rating on your favorite site, I’d love it if you would. When your book comes out, you’ll understand the importance of reviews.
And finally, while Tami and I haven’t yet launched our youtube channel (Oops. Tami. I forgot to tell you that song and dance were required,) we’re happy to answer your questions. Email is always the best way to reach us.
Take care and be well.
~ Nita
Nita Sweeney, Publisher
(c)Nita Sweeney, 2021, all rights reserved
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: If you purchase anything from the affiliate links on this page or in this email, Write Now Columbus will receive a portion of the proceeds. This helps us keep the website up and the internet on.
If you or your organization would like to sponsor an issue of Write Now Columbus, the fee is $10 per issue or $25 for three. Contact Nita or Tami at writenowcolumbus@gmail.com for more information.
Please follow Nita on your favorite channel.
FB Group
Events Calendar – On the Website
On-Going Writing Groups – On the Website
Writing Assistance – On the Website
The Fine Print – Below
CHECK OUT Nita’s EVENTS: The place to view them on one convenient page.
Read the ARCHIVES. Previous Write Now Columbus essays are archived on Nita’s website.
You received this newsletter either because you signed up for it at nitasweeney.com/newsletter, on Nita’s Facebook Page, or by replying to an invitation. If you do not want to continue receiving it, see “Get off the List,” below.
STAY ON THE LIST: If your email address changes and you still want to receive the newsletter, email me. This may seem obvious, but if you’re like me, the havoc of changing something as essential as an email address may cause you to lose sight of other important things (like a monthly writing newsletter).
GET OFF THE LIST: Click here to avoid receiving future emails from us.
SUBMISSIONS: Write Now Columbus accepts submissions of writing events, on-going writing groups and open mics only. We do not currently accept articles, markets, or contests except through sponsorship. Please send an email with date, time, place, cost and contact information. We reserve the right to revise submissions and press releases.
DEADLINE: Write Now Columbus is published on the 3rd of each month. If you want an event to be on the calendar before the monthly email goes out, please send it before the 25th of the month unless the event is on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. For those dates, please submit it the month before. (e.g. For a May 4th event, submit by April 25th. For a May 3rd event, submit by the March 25th.) But please send events any time. We can add them to the calendar whenever you send them.
SUGGESTIONS or COMMENTS: Please email us with ideas, quotations, or formatting tips that might make this newsletter more readable, manageable, helpful, workable. It’s your newsletter. We’re just typing. You may contact Nita via snail mail at: 3801 Norbrook Drive, Columbus, OH 43220 or either of us at writenowcolumbus@gmail.com.
PARANOID EX-LAWYER’S RELEASE: OMG! OMG! I’m so excited. Tami is fabulous. But we’re still getting to know our way around this working together business so we need your continued patience. If you find an error, please use your inside voice to let us know. We’ll do our best to correct it.