Angel Wings

by | Dec 18, 2018 | Blog

Yellow Labrador retrievers like Morgan and Scarlet (the ) have a distinct color pattern on their backs called angel wings. I referred to it several times in my memoir, Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink which is due out from Mango Publishing this spring.

I would love to use a photo of a Labrador’s “angel wings” as the back cover image, but getting the right photograph might be difficult. Scarlet, at least, would not cooperate. Here’s a blurry one to give you the idea.

The publisher and I work on the cover together, but they have the final say. And, since they’re experienced in these matters, I’ll give my input, but trust their judgment. I can always use an “angel wing” photo in my promotional materials, if I can get Scarlet to stand still!!

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