Terry Spaeth, Midwest Regional Editor of Grand Magazine sent this call for submissions:
Grand Magazine, an online ezine with a primary demographic of people that are grandparents, is soliciting articles for their upcoming issues. There are no strict submission guidelines. We are looking for articles about people or places that would strike a chord with our readers. Standard features on the site include: long-distance grandparenting, kinship care and grandparents’ rights, children’s health and development, intergenerational travel and reunions, family money, fun and games to do with your grandchildren, food and family gatherings, fashion, inspirations, grandchildren’s photographs and funny sayings. For a free look at the magazine go to: http://www.nxtbook.com/splash/grand2/ or go to www.grandmagazine.com. For more information or to submit an article, please contact the Midwest Regional Editor, Terry Spaeth at tspaeth@columbus.rr.com or 614-917-7435.
Be sure to tell them Nita sent you.