Lawrence’s New Mexico Featured in NYT Piece

by | Oct 23, 2006 | Uncategorized

In an exquisite New York Times travel piece about D.H. Lawrence’s love affair with northern New Mexico, Henry Shukman writes:

THERE’S something about the first glimpse of the Taos Mesa as you travel north from Santa Fe, up the narrow canyon of the Rio Grande past Embudo. A series of long, sweeping bends brings you over a brow, and suddenly the view ahead opens out onto empty, bare land, with a smoky gorge cut into it like the Great Rift Valley of Africa. Ten miles off stands a bulk of dark, brooding mountains. One of the biggest, bald Taos Mountain, sits bolted to the plain like a remonstrance. At its foot the town of Taos spreads like litter glinting in the sun.

[from “D.H. Lawrence’s New Mexico: The Ghosts That Grip the Soul of Bohemian Taos,” Sunday, October 22, 2006, The New York Times.]

Don’t miss the photos, especially the ones of the Mabel Dodge Luhan House where Natalie Goldberg holds most of her classes.

I head out there again on November 8th. Mmmmmmm. I can almost hear the stars twinkling.

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