More Marketeering

by | Sep 20, 2006 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

Here’s another note from Sammi (blog to be revealed at a later date when we find it!) on a website that shows how to market a book:

Author David Skibbins of course does all the usual marketing stuff. His web site, though, is not your typical two-dimensional, electronic brochure. He writes mysteries, using the tarot as his theme. The web site gives readings — but in the voice of his main character, a fellow with attitude this thick!

The web site also includes lists of upcoming personal appearances at book stores and teleconferences with guest writers. It contains archives of past teleconferences, so that if you missed out, you can still download the interviews. He has coordinated these monthly talks with fellow writers. Readers and fans can call in and ask them questions. It’s recorded so that it can be uploaded to the site later as streaming audio, podcasts or whatever.

A lot of the stuff he does is similar to what we do for clients [Sammi’s day-job provides management services for non-profits], so I know how cheaply some of it can be done, like creating teleconferences and podcasts. I just hadn’t thought of applying those marketing techniques to promoting books or that all-important platform.

Very cool, and something to file away, my fellow scribblers, toward that day when you want your books to stand out in the crowd and want your web site to generate buzz, favorite bookmarks and sales!

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