20th Anniversary of _Writing Down the Bones_

by | Sep 23, 2006 | Blog

Did Bones change your writing life? Here’s your chance to celebrate in Taos, New Mexico with Natalie Goldberg!

Filmmaker Mary Feidt and authors Rob Wilder and Eddie Lewis have planned a November bash to celebrate the 20th Anniverary of Natalie’s groundbreaking book, Writing Down the Bones.

The party begins the evening of Friday, November 10 with a viewing of “Tangled Up in Bob: Searching for Bob Dylan,” a documentary featuring Natalie Goldberg. A Q&A and reception with Natalie and Mary Feidt will be held after the film.

On Saturday, November 11, Mabel Dodge Luhan House will host a limited seating luncheon with Natalie. In the afternoon, Natalie will lead a discussion about the book. A benefit champagne dinner will follow to support Natalie’s scholarship fund which brings people of color and other disadvantaged individuals to her workshops in Taos.

Natalie will read Saturday evening and then all guests are invited to the Sagebrush Inn for dancing.

The Mabel Dodge Luhan House is located in historic Taos, New Mexico on the edge of pueblo land.

For more details, call Mabel Dodge Luhan House at 1-800-84-MABEL or go to Mabel Dodge Luhan House

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