If I Were a Real Writer . . .

by | Jul 15, 2006 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

. . . I’d be able to attend 12 hours of graduate coursework and still keep my blog up-to-date, but that doesn’t seem to be possible. It’s almost midnight in Ohio. (My body’s still convinced it’s there.) It’s almost 9PM in Port Townsend and I’m on a short break between the faculty reading (7:30PM to 8:45PM) and the evening film (9PM to 11PM) after which I shall pass out on my bed. We’ve been going at breakneck speed since our 7AM breakfast and tomorrow things will get really busy.

Today I learned primarily procedural, academic and bureaucratic things which I keep telling myself will make sense in the long run, but which are currently forming a tornado in my brain.

I received my first semester advisor assignment – Aimee Liu – an amazing novelist and creative nonfiction writer who I believe will be a good match. Tomorrow morning my small advising group (6 of us) will look over the first three pages of one of my short stories. Wish me luck. Anyone ever huffed bumglue? If things go badly, maybe I’ll stoop to that!

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